We come to your home or business on your trash collection day, after your cans have been emptied. We only take large residential customers (minimum of 20 carts or a site with multiple large bins). We bring our mobile cleaning machines, custom-designed to clean your cans and containers. Each machine has its own self-contained water supply, which is filtered and recycled through the cleaning process.
Under the supervision of a trained operator, the machine pressure washes and sanitizes your cans, using natural and biodegradable cleaning products. The used water is collected through a vacuum process and is then filtered and reused.
The cans are dried and sprayed with a biodegradable deodorizer, and we leave you with sanitary, clean-smelling trash cans and a clean work area.
Why Use Our Services | 10 Good Reasons to Use Always Green Always Clean
- Stop attracting insects, rodents and other pests. Pests are attracted by filth. If your cans are clean, they will go somewhere else.
- Remove disease-causing bacteria. Our cleaning process removes 99 percent of bacteria from you cans and containers.
- Get rid of nasty odors from garbage cans and receptacles. We remove bacteria and other sources of odor, and we apply a biodegradable deodorizer to your can as the finishing touch.
- Get rid of an unsightly mess on the bottom and sides of your container. Pressure washing from our machine as well as scrubbing by its human operator remove clinging bits of trash from your container.
- Save water. Every morning our machines pick up their water supply from the water treatment plant at East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). The supply is filtered and reused throughout the day and is then recycled back to EBMUD, leaving a net expenditure of zero gallons of water. By contrast, an average person uses about 40 gallons of water to clean a trash can with a hose.
- Make sure your cans are cleaned with green, biodegradable materials. We use only safe, natural biodegradable products to clean and deodorize trash cans.
- Protect the Bay. Our machines are self-contained and release no contaminants to storm drains, therefore protecting San Francisco Bay.
- Avoid fines for washing contaminants into the Bay. Washing your own cans and draining the wash water into your storm drains can result in penalties costing thousands of dollars.
- Free yourself and your employees from a nasty job. It´s not in your job description. Let us do it!
- Enjoy the relief of knowing that your garbage containers are clean and odor free. Contact us today to sign up for our trash can cleaning services.

San Francisco City
- North Bay Counties:
- Marin County
- Sonoma County
- Napa County
- East Bay Counties:
- Solano County
- Contra Costa County
- Alameda County
- Peninsula:
- San Mateo County
- South Bay Counties:
- Santa Cruz County
- Santa Clara County