Mar 27, 2019 | News
Chemical-Free Spring Cleaning Is it possible to do Spring cleaning without using harmful chemicals? Cleaning the house in a natural way is easier, safer and more effective. The materials you will need are just around the kitchen. Not harmful for your family and the...
Feb 15, 2019 | News
Time to Recycle February 14, Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular day of the year. A day in a year dedicate to celebrate how much we love family, friends and special someone. How do we show and tell our love? Mostly do this by giving presents, flowers,...
Jan 11, 2019 | News
Start the Year with Clean Garbage Cans and Containers! Holidays are over! We bet your garbage cans and containers were full of trash. Holiday sure is fun but it leaves too much trash. All these Holiday trash can make your garbage cans really dirty and smelly,...
Dec 18, 2018 | News
Happy Winter Solstice! Are you ready for Winter? Winter will officially hit your calendar on December 21, 2018, the Winter Solstice. We will experience the shortest daylight and the longest night of the year. This phenomenon marks the beginning of Winter. We might...
Nov 15, 2018 | News
Choose to Recycle Everyday! We celebrate America Recycles Day is annually every November 15. It is a nationally recognized day dedicated to encourage Americans to recycle and buy recycled products. Recycling is the process of collecting and “sorting” readily recycling...